
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Kaiju Beasts Creature Design Contest

From Facebook and Helpful Bear Productions

Helpful Bear Productions is proud to hold a creature design contest of immense proportions.

We invite all daring designers to think big and submit your original Kaiju creature design!

Legend tells of a monster so massive, so destructive, so fearsome that only the greatest heroes are known to face such a beast and live. Legend tells of the Kaiju…

Kaiju, is the Japanese word for “Strange Creature”, derived from the Middle Chinese the words Kwej and Ju meaning “fantastic beast.” The Kaiju is known to plunder civilizations, causing earthquakes of mythical magnitudes.

What awesome creature vision will you create that conquers all and ventures beyond the edge of our imaginations? Submit your Kaiju design right here in this Event and let the battle begin! All submissions will be carefully reviewed by the Helpful Bear Productions team, including Industry celebrated Creature Designer Terryl Whitlatch.

Invite your friends and fellow artists to join the contest today!

A contest this epic deserves legendary prizes, stay tuned for exciting announcements.

For Rules and Regulations click here:

Open submissions will be from today March 24th, 2014 until the deadline of 11:59pm, May 12th 2014.

All designs submitted are owned solely by the artist.

Let the battle begin…

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