
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Was Godzilla Script Leaked Today Real, Draft, Or Fake?

Earlier today a script was leaked on the Toho Kingdom forums it was then also posted elsewhere, although they have been deleted since. But the question is was the script real, a draft, or a fake is unknown. I have seen the script and like many of the rumors, leaks, etc. there is the possibility it could be real, the ideas presented in it could fit within the movie, but of course that is base on the other info and rumors we have had already have heard which we are not 100% proven to be true either in many cases. My personal feeling it is a draft, I won't post them because there is no proof of this, if it is proven they are part of a draft then I will post them at that point, sorry. Hopefully we will get more info direct from Legendary Pictures at some point.

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