
Monday, February 18, 2013

Charlie Day Discusses His Role In Pacific Rim


Charlie Day, best known for playing Charlie Kelly in Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia, stars in Guillermo Del Toro's upcoming monster epic Pacific Rim as scientist Newt Geiszler, one of the brains behind the human's counter offensive against the invading Kaiju monsters.

Speaking on the Broken Projector podcast Charlie Day spoke of Pacific Rim, Guillermo Del Toro and his role in the movie:

When asked about his transition from writing It's Always Sunny In Philadephia to acting, and the upcoming movie Charle Day had this to say...

"Certainly doing Guillermo Del Toro's big, gigantic crazy thing was a whole different world in terms of just the scale of everything and how slowly things move. I didn't have to do anything different, it's still acting. Its basically just doing what I have been doing which is trying to make the moment to moment work, as interesting as possible."

When asked how he got the role in the movie, Charlie Day replied...

"Danny (De Vito) called me, and they were on set shooting, and he said 'Hey do you know this guy Guillermo Del toro'. And I said yeah, yeah, I loved Pans Labyrinth. And he said 'Well heres the casting director who is trying to get your phone number'. So Danny wants me to come stand on a picture.

"Guillermo turned out just to be a giant Sunny (In Philadelphia) fan . He's seen like every episode... I met with him, I went up to his, he's got a house in West Lake village, which is a really kind of, for the lack of a better term, pedestrian kind of place to live in Los Angeles, and not where you would expect this dark prince of film making to live. So I was looking around for some twisted castle...

"I'm looking for this house, and eventually I see, oh theres one were the windows are all black... And when you go in the house its an amazing labyrinth of ghouls and monsters and books from medieval times. But he had told me that he'd seen, theres one scene in Charlie Kelly: King of Rats, where I'm haunted for having murdering a bunch of rats, and he said 'theres a scene in this movie where this character, my character, is haunted from seeing something about these monsters'. And he said 'I knew you could do it'. And I was actually, 'alright you maniac I'll take the job'."

When asked how he dealt with Del Toro's on set, often potty mouthed presence, Charlie Day said...

"I'm right at home with people constantly cursing. That guy's a delight to work with, and he's the life of the party on the set. I basically just 'what do you want me to do' and so if was gonna curse I was just gonna sit there... He's the happiest man with like a cartoon mexican accent."

When asked about his role in the movie, Charlie Day replied...

"Sure. I haven't seen the final product, so who knows maybe you guys caught it in a way that what I think it is, it isn't... Basically I'm like a hipster scientist, who thinks he's a lot cooler than he actually is. I'm obsessed with the monsters in the film, and sort of the expert on them, I have my own theories for how we can stop this problem and save the world. And there are guys who are out there tyring to use their muscles, who fight with the giant robots, and there are guys out there trying to use their brains, and we all kinda come together to save the day.
"Its fun, really good fun. They wanted me to bring a little comic relief. I wasn't trying to be, but everyone seems to say that I was really funny. Its a good and a bad problem, where people will laugh at me, no matter what I'm doing."

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