
Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Godzilla Comic Coming From IDW

From IDW 
Hi folks,
Welcome to a new year of Godzilla! I'm Bobby Curnow, I edited Godzilla: Gangsters and Goliaths and Godzilla Legends, and will be editing the entire line moving forward. If you liked those books, hopefully you'll like what we've got coming up.
Okay, on to the good stuff! This news will hit with solicits in the next couple of days, but I wanted you fine folks to hear it first...
In May we'll be launching a new Godzilla ongoing, simply titled "GODZILLA" It will be written by Duane Swierczynski and art by Simon Gane. Ronda Pattison will be returning to colors. Our own Chris Mowry will continue as invaluable creative consultant.
It will be a 'soft reboot' meaning that the story takes place in the same world as Kingdom of Monsters. Other than that though, pretty much everything will be different. The tone, the characters, the story arc. We might revisit some unanswered questions left by KOM, but for the most part, expect a completely different book. Think of it as a movie sequel with a different director, writer, cinematographer, and actors.
Issue #1 will have covers by Art Adams (see below for cover A wrap-around awesomeness!), Tony Harris and Ryan Kelly. Moving forward expect to see great covers from Zach Howard, Matt Frank and Jeff Zornow, among others.
We'll have a special 'Preview Prologue' up in the next month or so, to get a little taste of what we're aiming to do with the new series. I'm completely psyched... I think it will be a wild ride that doubles as a classic Godzilla tale. We hope you'll check the Prologue and the new series out when they hit!

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