
Friday, March 30, 2012

Famous Monsters of Filmland #262: Gamera Vs. Godzilla!

You axed for it. . . and you got it! Last year’s kaiju issue went over so big (it sold out before we even got them in stock!) that we’ve listened to your pleas and have brought the dream team back together for another run at the big boys. From GODZILLA and GAMERA to VARAN and the latest in the SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO/STARBLAZERS series, we cut right to the heart of the best in classic Japanese monsters and Sci-Fi. August Ragone returns as contributing editor along with his all-star ota-krew, ready to drop knowledge in abundance. There will only be one cover for issue 262. Subscribers, book chains, wholesalers. . . one cover-this beauty by the master of giant monsters Bob Eggleton (issue 255 Lovecraft and 256 Godzilla). Click on over to CapCo to pre-order your copy today!